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Chemical toner, ink, dyeand bleach are all a great burden for our environment.
While classic posters are generally hung up just once, ePosters can still be accessed and viewed long after your event.
[dropcap]e[/dropcap]Poster Community is a medium of electronic presentation of your scientific posters that allow you to present and publish your latest scientific research work of your interest in front of worldwide viewers, learners, and open access community.
An ePoster is worth a thousand words; it’s self-explanatory – it stands on its own and does most of your explanation digitally. We welcome researchers to submit their posters and make it visible. ePosters can contain many different rich resources such as research work, case reports, presentations, company profiles, assignments, images, trending news, projects, summary, results, apps, links, etc.
ePoster Community offers maximum coverage and availability of your poster for the long run. Presenting your scientific research as an ePoster is a golden opportunity to connect and network. Viewers can learn, absorb, and interact in regards to your presentation at any time.
It is a better and more engaging way to display and promote your research. The Society Meetings, Scientific Event Organizations, Conference/Congress organizers, and companies can collaborate with us to showcase their posters on the Digital Scientific Poster Library, i.e., ePoster Community.
Times and circumstances are changing exponentially, and so we. We are very much involved with technology and fascinated by it. Today, we are all pretty aware and experienced with the pandemic and its consequences, which made us digitally grow to avoid gatherings.
You should choose a search result page. You can choose the page from the Theme Options > Events > Event Search Results Page option.
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